Online Talks & Interviews


VIDEO: New England Aquarium

length: 44:32
Over a century ago, the U.S. government became concerned that American men were becoming less virile. So streams, rivers and lakes were populated with “an entirely ‘synthetic’ fish” to help Americans rediscover their abilities to capture and kill. These creatures are still being produced and distributed on a massive scale. Award-winning journalist, aquatic ecologist and lifelong fisherman Anders Halverson will discuss the history of the rainbow trout.

VIDEO: Mark Madison, National Conservation Training Center

Conservation in Action Series: An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World.

VIDEO: Univ. of Montana

length: 1:06:02
“An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America & Overran the World,” with Anders Halverson. Presented by the Wilderness Institute of the University of Montana. 2012 Theme: Wild Waters of the West.

Radio and Podcasts

Lewis Lapham, Bloomberg Radio

length: 19:16
A formidable opponent for fishermen and an easy-to-raise source of food, the dominion of the Rainbow Trout has spread to every continent except Antarctica, explains Anders Halverson, author of An Entirely Synthetic Fish.

Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio

length: 51:34
The ecology of our rivers, streams, and lakes. An Environmental Outlook on the unintended consequences of stocking the nation’s inland waters with hatchery-bred fish and a look at the invasive species threatening the Great Lakes.

Earth Beat, Radio Netherlands

length: 11:17
Rivers full of rainbows
In the US, a hundred million rainbow trout are released into lakes and rivers every year. And the Sierra Nevada region in California is no exception.
According to Anders Halverson, author of An Entirely Synthetic Fish – a book all about the rainbow trout – it’s the perfect place to fish. But what was once seen as progress and a joy for anglers also comes with an environmental cost.
Many now are on a mission to reduce the numbers of the rainbow trout and restore the destroyed ecosystems. Anders spills the beans on the gift that went awry.

Roger Maves, Ask About Fly Fishing

length: 80:50
Anders Halverson has done an exhaustive study of the origin of the rainbow trout, it’s history and how it has been stocked throughout the world. Listen in to learn about this fish we love so dearly.

Zach Matthews: The Itinerant Angler

length: 31:52
From the Itinerant Angler: “Dr. Anders Halverson is the author of the new book, “An Entirely Synthetic Fish,” which is a killer read about the rise and mass promulgation of the rainbow trout worldwide. How did a fish we put so much value on come to be so widespread, and does it really deserve the credit we give it?”

Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited

length: 10:48
Trout Unlimited’s President and CEO, Chris Wood, interviews Anders Halverson about his book, “An Entirely Synthetic Fish – How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World.” Anders talks to Chris about fish stocking and what it means for the future of America’s rich sporting history.

Fish Schtick, Moldy Chum

length: 1:02:12
Anders Halverson joins us on today’s Fish Schtick. He’s the author of “An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World.” Anders is an award-winning journalist with a Ph.D. in ecology from Yale University. With support from the National Science Foundation, he wrote this book as a research associate at the University of Colorado’s Center of the American West. We’ll pick on the Rainbow Trout on today’s Fish Schtick.

Simon Morton,This Way Up, Radio New Zealand

length: 28:31
The rainbow trout’s one of the world’s most popular recreational fish. Anders Halverson is the author of ‘An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World

Sally Mauk, Montana Public Radio

length: 13:37
Anders Halverson’s new book about the history of the rainbow trout in America – “An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World” – has won a National Outdoor Book award. Halverson was in Montana recently to talk about the book. In this feature interview, the aquatic ecologist talks with News Director Sally Mauk about how he became interested in the story of the rainbow…

Tom Wilmer, Audiolog the Travel Show, KCBX

length: 4:18
Interview with Tom Wilmer at the Outdoor Writers Association of California meeting in Redding, CA.

Tim Emery, Fish Explorer

length: 32:45
Anders Halverson is the author of the book “An Entirely Synthetic Fish” How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World. During this weeks podcast were learn that the book is not really about the Rainbow Trout, it is about us. The book tells a great story of how the Rainbow has helped, hurt, changed our life as fisherman and people. Weather you agree with the author or not, this book is an amazing read for any fisherman.

David Inge, Focus, Illinois Public Radio WILL

length: 53:20
Anders Halverson, Ph.D., Ecologist and Award-Winning Journalist discusses An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World.


California Trout

Anders Halverson is the author of An Entirely Synthetic Fish — a National Outdoor Book Award Winner and a riveting book about the spread of rainbow trout across the country, often at the expense of native species.
On a recent book tour, Halverson spoke to several groups of CalTrout members, and graciously gave up some of his time for this interesting, wide-ranging interview for CalTrout’s The Streamkeeper’s Log.